The last event I attended in 2020 before it became apparent Covid was going to rock our world was in Houston on March 12th. It was for Houston’s art and literature magazine, Defunkt Magazine. Social distancing wasn’t totally a thing quite yet, but there was hand sanitizer and people were bumping elbows, not shaking hands. Things were just starting to get really weird.
I’m so glad that was my last outing - I even road tripped it from Austin that day to table my artwork that was selected in Volume III. The best part was meeting the folks running this magazine that support artists and art that is not purely mainstream. I LOVE Houston. It is the antithesis of the glossy, homogenous, rampant capitalist, influencer culture that Austin is. At this launch party I had conversations that made me feel understood and I heard the best poetry readings/slam that have crossed my ears in over a decade.
Back in April, Miranda Ramirez who is a founder and co-editor of Defunkt Magazine, interviewed me for Volume IV. We talk a bit about my background, how I came to be an artist, the experience of being a former art educator, and talk more intimately about the experience/influences of making my body of work To Record Water for Only Ten Days. I’m super honored to be a part of Volume III and IV. Thank you Miranda + all the folks at Defunkt for your support. What you are doing and putting out in the world is meaningful. xo