Beyond stoked that one of my photos ended up in the Washington Post back in May.
I’m super humbled to be a part of this powerful collection of photos that were selected and curated by BOOM and Manfrotto.
I’m living in Austin, TX and cases are now set to be the highest of anywhere in the country. This is due to the reopening of the economy starting May 1st. It’s not a surprise that Austin is in this predicament. After looking at these photos you’d think we would have learned some things. At least in America it’s wise to not believe that national, state, or even local governments have people’s best interests in mind. We’ve found that profit over people is alive and kicking in our economy, in large corporations, and small businesses too. And ultimately humans want what they want and are short sighted about things hence the new outbreak.
We are just beginning this Coronavirus rodeo here in Texas.