March 26th: Last week and this week we were supposed to be on vacation visiting good friends.  Obviously that didn’t pan out so I decided instead to devote this bizarre time to things and people that make me genuinely happy.  Making art an
 March 27th: These photo sessions are really brief, less than 2 minutes.  Because I’m using medium format 6x7cm film, I take no more than 3-4 frames. There is not much directing.  I have no idea where I will photograph or what the light will be like.
 March 28th: The thing I’ve been the most preoccupied with since this all began is our government’s lack of preparedness to protect the populations most at risk, public health & service workers, and workers at essential businesses.  Mental h
 Mar 29th: What really matters? Maybe you’ve been asking yourself this, maybe not.  A month or so ago I was asked what an abundant life looks like.  That question felt impossible to answer because we are all interconnected and if I can’t see abundanc
 Mar 30th: These past 16 days of staying at home has been a reminder that time is of great value. I’ve slowed down and paused enough to witness the trees and plants in my backyard and neighborhood bloom before my eyes.  Nature is more vivid.  Bees ar
 Mar 31st: Whatever we might be hiding from, running away from, and numbing ourselves with may find us when forced to slow down.  A big bright light might shine on all of it.  In this crazy unbalanced world of capitalism on steroids, productivity, ke
 Apr 1st: I’m finding that what I miss most about daily life are the little nuances.  For instance, walking into Live Oak Market where they are either blasting Bobby Brown or Metallica’s Ride the Lightning. If Bobby is on, then I’ll running-man my wa
 Apr 2nd: Watch who stands to become even richer than ever during this crisis.  Are y’all paying attention? Follow the money and power grabs. For example, Jeff Bezos has enough money.  Our economy and local economies probably won’t be okay for a whil
 Apr 3rd: Today, I am mostly feeling anger and a sense of injustice. This pandemic will disproportionately affect the elderly population (especially those stuck in nursing homes) and those with underlying health conditions. What measures are being ta
 Apr 4th: Happiness during a pandemic = seeing my friend’s baby for the first time as they open their front door wearing his and hers Crocs.  They are transcending stay at home fashion with an infant.
 Apr 6th: Every morning when I wake up I run through a set of affirmations. One of them is “I wonder what great thing will happen today?” Never imagined that the great thing might be finally finding dish soap, hand soap, and toilet paper at the store
 Apr 7th: Four Ways of Looking.  Stare up at the sky for peace and clarity.  Glance down at your feet - rock them back and forth for grounding.  Spin yourself slowly - notice life and energy all around you.  Look within and dig into the truth.
 Apr 8th: Since Jan 1st I’ve had this inner voice telling me something monumental would happen this year.  It’s safe to assume it’s this pandemic we are all experiencing.  But in the past few days I’ve learned that Joe Exotic is my second cousin, onc
 Apr 9th: Things I’ve heard in my neighborhood around 8pm - someone singing and playing guitar, people cheering, and people howling at the moon.  I’m mostly interested in that last one and wondering how we can make that continue even when this is ove
 Apr 10th: One of the greatest gifts we can give each other is the gift of our full attention.  Even if it’s a short amount of time, make it quality time.  This is already something of tremendous importance to me, but I’ve been thinking that if there
 Apr 11th: James, the 3 year old little boy in this photo, greeted me from inside his backyard fence by saying, “Hey do you want to hear a song?” I braced myself for a Disney song I didn’t know because I don’t have kids.  Much to my incredible deligh
 Apr 13th: The good news is that this is all temporary.  Yes, it’s incredibly heavy to not know how long this will last or if the virus will re-emerge at some point.  It’s painfully difficult to know that there is unnecessary loss and that inevitably
 Apr 14th: Last night I dreamed I was surfing. I donned a backwards hat like the one Peggy wears in this photograph. The energy of the powerful wave propelled me steadily toward the shore. My body was relaxed and with effortless balance, I gracefully
 Apr 15th: Mega Gratitude - In April 2005 I moved to Austin.  This project has been an unexpected 15 year trip down memory lane.  Some of these people I’ve known for the duration of the time I’ve been here and others I met sprinkled along the way.  M
 Apr 16th: As much as I’ve been talking about how society feels unbalanced and skewed, I did experience community coming together in a powerful way recently for some long-time friends.  It was a drop everything and help out kinda drill. We all shook
 Apr 17th: Has anyone else stopped shaving their armpits just for fun?
 Apr 18th: When experiencing joy during this epoch, I’m noticing how it radiates through all of my senses more clearly.  HEARING: Fiona Apple’s new album - eyes wide, mouth agape, while involuntarily rising from my desk chair a handful of times.  VIS
 Apr 20th: I’ve never known time to be elastic like it is right now.  Time feels like it’s expanding and contracting instead of its usual unforgiving linear/relentless upwards trajectory with no breaks or stops.  When the economy reopens will we cont
 Apr 21st: As I was turning the corner driving down Will’s street listening to 105.3 The Bat (pop music nostalgia for 40 somethings), “I’m Just A Girl” by No Doubt came on the radio.  When Will’s  persona, Fancy Sumatra, greeted me at the door I real
 Apr 22nd: This week I’m feeling tired. Before, I would have fought through it and carried on.  But I’m allowing myself to “just be”.  In this vortex so much less is crammed into a week, a day, an hour, or even a minute.  There’s nowhere to be but ho
 Apr 23rd: The creepiest things I’ve seen this week are my targeted Instagram ads for stylish Covid-19 face masks and “elevated” loungewear?!
 Apr 24th: Alex, the incredibly talented filmmaker in this photo, taught me a centering practice around 7 years ago to do that is one of my favorites today.  I’m passing it on.   ~ Close your eyes and focus your attention on any noises you can hear i
 Apr 25th: The past 13 years have been spent versed in the practice of removal.  At times I’ve removed so much in the external that I think maybe I could’ve been a monk in another life.  But there’s a delicate balance of creating an inner world and i
 Apr 27th: Dreams are vivid lately.  I have been presented with three large mirrors that are all portals.  If I jump through the wrong ones I’ll end up somewhere I don’t want to be.  I choose the right portal but instead of entering another dimension
 Apr 28th: Experiencing some major deja vu in week seven.  It’s much like being a teacher on summer break (at least if you are someone that is out of work). At first, it’s a total shock to the system to not be constantly working, doing, and thinking
 Apr 29th: A huge storm woke me up at 5:30am this morning.  As I was leaving the Astral Plane, En Vogue was left in my awareness. I had been dreaming that all four women were dancing down my street singing only these lyrics over and over: “free your
 Apr 30th:  I’m curious why we’re really all that surprised when the Lt. Gov of TX says “There are more important things than living” in regards to fully opening the economy and potentially risking more lives.  Why would senseless deaths from Covid-1
 May 1st: Being brought back to all of my senses fully is one of the things I hope to preserve moving forward.  A couple of times a day I’ve found myself in awe of the life sensation that sits just in my fingertips. With my hands in my lap, palms fac
 May 2nd: One of the recurring themes that I’ve noticed when visiting friends is how astonishing it is how we’ve learned to adapt as individuals or family units.  We learn what’s best for us and we keep moving toward that.  Some pressures have all bu
 May 4th: The meaning of luxury will of course differ for everyone but living a life without overconsumption, eating organic food from soil that hasn’t been depleted, being mindful of the earth, and living a freer life in terms of having more time fe
 May 5th: I don’t know why it just dawned on me that Kelly, Linda, and their grown sons Michael and Joel (in the framed photo that Linda is holding) are all feminists but they are.  Nan, Linda’s mother in her 80’s (not pictured), might be the biggest
 May 6th: Depending on the situation, some families are set up in a way where they are savoring this time with their kids while the majority are simply in survival mode.  I see families with two full-time working parents that have demanding jobs whil
 May 7th: In reopening the Texas economy the choice is to either try to make a living in potentially unsafe conditions or to protect your life. Can there be economic health without public health?
 May 8th: One of the aims of this project is to see how our society shifts during this time. This pandemic gives us an opportunity to start from scratch to create a world rooted in social and ecological rights, justice, love, and respect. Things the
 May 11th: You know things are getting really weird when Axl Rose calls Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchen an asshole and then proceeds to drag him even more. Welcome to the Jungle.
 May 12th: Last Thursday night we got out for the first time and went to Zilker Park to see the last supermoon of the year.  We ran through the open and empty field, arms outstretched.  It was dark, windy, and 75 degrees at 9pm.  Saw a few friends at
 May 13th: It has been the case for a long time, even before this current administration, that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.  Tax breaks for the wealthiest have only accelerated the gap. During this crisis, the largest corporations con
 May 14th: The past few months have been really quiet.  At 4pm yesterday I was startled when loud aircrafts flew over my studio - so loud my body rumbled from the noise vibrations.  I learned it was the Thunderbirds performing a flyover as part of “O
 May 15th: A little mantra that works for the greater collective (we), for someone else (you), or for yourself (I): We are healthy.  We are strong.  We can do hard things.  We are loved infinitely.  We  can find safety in uncertainty.
 May 18th: How different would the world be if there was more compassion and generosity?  Peace, paradise, pure love, and heaven on earth (whatever you’d like to call it) are attainable if you carve out time to cut out the noise.  This requires looki
 May 19th: Civic engagement has the ability to positively transform communities, cities, and nations.  We’ve also experienced firsthand the consequences of an apathetic civic engagement.  Voting safely by mail, especially during a pandemic, would all
 May 20th: Bra ads on Instagram keep coming my way which is hilarious because I’m like, “What is a bra and why did I ever wear one before this?” So, way off target, Instagram - read the room.
 May 21st: Starting back in March I’ve found myself closely examining, being curious, and re-evaluating everything.  Ironically, during the stay at home order, my world has somehow become much larger instead of smaller.  Certainty and stability are i
 May 22nd:  Right now, in this very moment, take a deep breath.  Hold it in and count to five.  Exhale slowly and blow out your breath.  This freedom is ours at all times.  Be free.
 May 25th: The world is still slowed down.  If we find ourselves speeding up with “the reopening” have we not learned much at all?  I will never rush unnecessarily ever again, never stop taking in my surroundings, and will never take for granted that
 May 26th: When I look back through the photos on my phone since March, it is filled mostly with photos and videos of my cat.  Embarrassingly, I don’t have much storage left on my phone because of this.  I’m pretty sure cats would prefer that we all
 May 27th: Who wants change?  If we do then I guess the real question becomes: Who is willing to change?  Because it will require that we all make changes, even starting small, in order for collective change to happen.  That’s the kicker - because ou
 May 28th: Whatever we focus on grows, broadens, and expands.  Love, peace, health, joy, creativity, curiosity, relationships, and humanity have been at the forefront of my personal experience these past few months. This energy is what is moving me t
 May 29th: Again, a major focus of this project is to see who we are as a society during this time.  Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Mike Ramos, and George Floyd  - almost all murdered by police officers from within a system that was manifested from s
 June 1st: Scott and Stephanie, the generous folks in this photo, give all of the harvested food from their farm to the local food pantries.  Meanwhile, American billionaires have gotten $600+ billion richer during the pandemic (and the pandemic isn’
 June 2nd: While people come together to protest for justice and peace in major cities and small cities alike, we have now reached 100,000+ COVID-19 deaths in the US.  I can’t shake this feeling in my gut that corporations and the government are thri
 June 3rd: Start imagining a paradigm shift. Which way do we want this all to go? What world and reality do you want to build for yourself and for others?  What conscious action must we take to make this happen? I imagine the old world burn
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